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The Decision to Downsize

The downsizers guide to building or buying a new home.

Thinking about taking the next step?

Deciding to downsize to a more manageable home is a significant life choice, and starting anew in a brand new home, or perhaps a new community, can be an alluring prospect. Whether you are opting to build your own home or move into an existing home, it is essential to do your research.

At Cedar Woods, we acknowledge that downsizing is a significant financial and lifestyle decision. We are here to support you every step of the way and want to assist you in making the best decision for you.

In this guide you'll learn:

    • The benefits of downsizing.
    • Where to live - finding the community that suits you.
    • Downsizing options - choosing the perfect home.
    • A step-by-step guide to the downsizing process.
    • Tips for getting your finances in shape before you downsize.